Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo

Marta Ramos-Yzquierdo (b. 1975) is an art historian from the UCM, Madrid, MA in Cultural Management from Instituto Ortega y Gasset, and she is part as curator of the ICI New York (Bogotá, 2013). After five years living in Chile, in 2009 she moved to Brazil where she was director of Galeria Baró. Between August 2012 and July 2013 she was appointed director of the independent art centre Pivô. Back in Spain, she has run the LOOP Fair 2017. She has recently been awarded a research grant at Real Academia de España in Rome, doing a curatorial study on the Operaismo during the 1960s-1970s in Italy. She also writes for magazines such as Arte al día, arthishock and